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Around 10,000 cataract surgeries
are performed every year at Hashmanis Free of Cost
Your small contribution can change the life of many.
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20 million
patients to date03 million
Surgeries to date600,000
Eye sight glasses!Hospital in the world
to provide Free Refractive SurgeriesPassion for giving The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Our incredible journey also began with our first step in the late 70’s, when Dr. Sharif Hashmani established a hospital under the name of Hashmanis Hospital. The very name symbolizes a pioneering vision and a standard of care. With state of the art instruments and latest technologies, Hashmanis have successfully performed numerous surgeriesdone nowhere else in Pakistan. The Hospital is also credited with introducing several new technologies and proceduresto Pakistan, such as: IOLs, Phaco, LASIK, Femto LASIK, Femto Cataract, Phakic IOLs, etc. Hashmanis Welfare Wing has been providing charity in Eye and Medical care services since 1979.
“First Welfare Organization to Implant IOLs in the Eye Camps”
Started in 1979, Hashmanis Welfare Wing has done remarkable work in the field of Ophthalmology. With the help of latest technologies, the Hashmanis Hospital have even performed complex eye procedures on patients from all over the world. Hashmanis have brought over 15 innovative treatment modalities in Pakistan including advance treatments like Laser Assisted (bladeless), Cataract Surgery and Topography Guided LASIK.

“37% of total population of Pakistan need eye glasses and only 4% can afford it”
– Dr. Sharif HashmaniOur Leadership
Dr. Sharif Hashmani
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